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Muusikko hakee: Fusion bassist looking for musicians (keyboard, drums, guitar)
Lisätty: 25.04.2024
Voimassa: 21.10.2024
Ilmoittaja: alariv8 (#104459)Lähetä pikaviesti »

I will give a short summary of my background in order for my ad to reach the right audience. If you’re interested in a quick demo, then go check out: (Spiral Architect - Spinning).
I am 34 year old guy originally from Estonia (niin tarvittaessa puhun myös suomea riittävällä tasolla). I have quite musical background from the past, starting from choir singing and piano in childhood. Later in teenage years, Children of Bodom became a big influence on me and during these times I played in various hard rock / progressive and death metal from 2007 to 2012 (4 bands in total, recorded 3 EPs and some singles).

In 2011 I became interested in mixing metal with jazz, culminating with the band Spiral Architect, for which I recorded the demo as well.
Unfortunately had some issue with my health due to which I took a break from music during 2014 to 2023, however I continued to develop myself mentally in the jazz fusion direction by learning jazz theory from the masters. Fortunately I was able to resolve the issue with the health and I resumed my musical activities from 2023.
Nowadays my main focus is going towards learning jazz vocabulary and solos in the style of Hadrien Feraud and Gary Willis (Tribal Tech). I have plenty of ideas what to practice, but I would also like to find musicians to create our own unique style.

An example of the style I would really enjoy experimenting towards in the long run for example : (Hadrien Feraud Band - Rumeurs) (Spiral Architect - Spinning) (Exivious - Asurim) (Tribal Tech - Big Wave)
These are of course technical songs, but just to give an idea.
I understand that these are virtuoso players and due to my day job, I will not have the resources to become a full virtuoso myself in the coming year, however I am going through the same process

Kiinnostus: Puoliammattilainen
Soittokokemus orkestereissa: Yli kaksi vuotta
Ikä: 34
Osasto: Basistit
Paikkakunta: Helsinki (Etelä-Suomen lääni)
Puhelin: 0406640914

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