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Aihe:Pelottavaa traagista ja jännittävää musiikkia
Aika:06.01.2024 22:15
I Will Learn To Love A Person: 3. I Will Learn How To Love A Person And Then I Will Teach You And Then We Will Know _ Lindsay Kesselman _ Timo Andres _ Mingzhe Wang _ Ian Rosenbaum
Laulusarjassaan "I Will Learn to Love a Person" Christopher Cerrone yhdistää minimalismin ja Tao Linin satunnaisen röyhkeän tunnustuksellisen tekstin, mikä alun perin viittaa tiettyyn sarkastiseen ironisuuteen.
i will learn how to love a person and then i will teach you and then we will know"
seen from a great enough distance i cannot be seen
i feel this as an extremely distinct sensation
of feeling like shit; the effect of small children
is that they use declarative sentences and then look at your face
with an expression that says, you will never do enough
for the people you love; i can feel the universe expanding
and it feels like no one is trying hard enough
the effect of this is an extremely shitty sensation
of being the only person alive; i have been alone for a very long time
it will take an extreme person to make me feel less alone
the effect of being alone for a very long time
is that i have been thinking very hard and learning
about mortality, loneliness, people, society, and love; i am afraid
that i am not learning fast enough; i can feel the universe expanding
and it feels like no one has ever tried hard enough; when i cried in your room
it was the effect of an extremely distinct sensation that i am the only person
alive, i have not learned enough, and i can feel the universe expanding
and making things be further apart
and it feels like a declarative sentence
whose message is that we must try harder
Tao Lin


Tuska tulvii esiin ja valuu kappaleen reunan yli.
Kuten useimmissa Cerronen parhaissa teoksissa, tämä purkaminen on liian altis ollakseen piilotettua ja tekee teoksesta aidon, varhaisen oopperan arvoisen surun.
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