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Alue:Rummut: sähkörummut
Aihe:Yksittäistä MIDI - Pad:ia
Aika:25.08.2023 17:10   (muokattu 25.08.2023 17:11)
Progressor: Soveltuisiko Roland BT-1 tähän tarkoitukseen? Se on pienikokoinen 1-alueinen triggeri, jonka voi asentaa virvelin vanteeseen tai tikkumalliseen pidikkeeseen.
On hieman rouhee hinta . ():
Sorry ... tää tulee nyt englanniksi, kopioin suoraan REAPER:in foorumilta .
Actually I think I'm going the DIY - path ;
I already have a few brand-new piezo elements .
Found a video on YouTube, that's a DIY - project of converting a Pringles - box to a MIDI - pad .
Just a few things I have to sort out first .
1 . The cap on the Pringles - box is quite small in its' diameter .
That's an issue in playing the pad with a drum stick .
In addition the cap is of hard plastic ; dunno, how much of a hard hit it can take ?
2. Maybe attach / position the Pringles -box horizontally ;
Would the piezo still pick up the shots, even if it's glued to the cap, but the play area would be "different" ?
3. The pad needs to be as quiet as possible ;
Maybe wrap some kind of fur around it ?
4. I know absolutely nothing about electronics ;
I have a couple spare guitar jacks ... How is the wiring done ?
Red goes to where and black ... ?
Nyt saapi jakaa tieto-taitoa (((:
/ T .
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