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Jäsenkuvaus: axyrxiom (#168649)

Viim. kirjautunut:03.12.2016
Viim. aktiivinen:03.12.2016 16:21   (7vuotta, 184vrk, 17h, ja 54min sitten)
Kuvaus:eternity intact as sole mind
like a curse, something disrupts the self
description of
on how little it depends
the mind divides, lays blame among itself
the council,
in the void, dissensioning
in the unity of conciousness, relations cool
follows the initiating density
a billowing force, the cosmos for to build
in the spirit's chapel in the root-darkness
foreboding of a change significant
eye-shuddering light it shines
incontrollable creation, begins spattering matter
explodes, radiates, finds its paths
attributes are born, time starts running
some pleased with this, some afraid
the council of void
control shall not have

from consonances ashes on fiery wings
ev'ry aspect leaves its shadow
our gods grow of their root
fully ostracizing the original grace
where whole we'd be
expands the cosmos as if strengthening our pain
how to learn to abide it
this is the light at the end of the tunnel
complicates as well the only dream
for even light has a half-life
the journey passes along the fell
eating what little warmth was
in the campfire
in zeropoint all vanishes
back into the immaterial flow
into ancient shape
unity, whole once more